Our Top Pick for Touch-Free Soap Dispensers
Our Top Pick for Touch-Free Soap Dispensers
Equipment expert Adam Ried shares his pick for the best automatic hand soap dispensers.
Buy our winning automatic hand soap dispenser: https://amzn.to/3kkXzXx
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I’ve had these for a couple years … one in the kitchen, one in the bathroom. They are wonderful!
I have used the non-winning (Umbra) one on the far left-umbra for 7 years in both my bathroom and kitchen. And they are still going strong, no issues. I choose it because it looks awesome on my counter and available in a variety of colours to suit my decor.
I purchased 2 of the one on the end.. one wasn’t used very often at all.. after a year they both stop working… simple human is expensive trash…
They didn’t have her taste test to guess the winner. I’m going to have to unsubscribe.
The small Simple Human pump isn’t built well, after 3-4 years ours quit. As did the replacement. And it chews through batteries, which must be inserted in the bottom, which encourages the soap fill to leak.
Perhaps their more expensive model is better.
What would be your recommendations for FOAMING soap dispensers? 🙂
My favorite was discontinued….LYSOL.
am i the only one who washes the dispenser bottle at the same time?
tantric soap dispenser
I was a fan of the winning pump but it takes 4xAA batteries and runs out fairly fast. Constantly changing and felt like I was killing the planet!
Ended up going with the SimpleHuman rechargeable model (silver one in this video). Still a fan, feel it pumps out too much soap even on the lowest setting but haven’t run out yet (early days).
They also have a foaming hands free dispenser I’m curious about too.
I guess I am old school, I have a push type soap dispenser that I push with the back of my wrist so as not to contaminate it, then I use my wrist or arm to activate my lever handle on my faucet to turn that on.
I use the dispenser that is attached to the sink and it works fine. But I will say after handling raw chicken or have oily hands an auto-dispenser might be good. My concern would be how much soap it dispenses and can you adjust that? Looking at the video it appears all of these put out way more soap than you would need. I pea-sized amount of soap to me is enough and if I need more I’ll pump more.
Isn’t this over engineering? When you use the soap dispensor and contaminate it, you’re still washing and rinsing anyway. There is no scenario where you touch the soap dispensor and not wash.
Just bought Simplehuman dispenser that is rechargeable, after paying $25 for a different brand that required batteries but did not work after the firs day. Decided that over the years, the Simplehuman price difference would not be a hardship. It does not disappoint. Varies amt of soap dispensed by how close to the nozzle you place your hands- less at top, more at bottom. LOVE it. Opened this review to see if I made the right choice and thankfully, yes!
Would be nice if you did an episode on the best oil dispensers both for pouring and spraying
$25-60? Just wash the dispenser dude?
Need to test battery life in these also and if they start giving less and less soap getting clogged cause that was my problem with one i bought
Worried about contamination? YOU’RE WASHING YOUR HANDS!
No one is showing, step by step, how to actually assemble and reassemble the foam siimplehuman soap dispensers! It’s so, so, so frustrating!!!
A solution looking for a problem.
I had a Simple Human touch free dispenser once a few years back. Started leaking all over the place. I’m a bit wary.
bar soap
i have this dispenser, it really is great!
** will test kitchen at home be uploaded to youtube as well?
The problem with automatic soap dispensers in a kitchen is that you can’t control the volume of soap dispensed. If your hands are greasy then you need a lot of soap. But if you are doing a number of decontamination washes between tasks your hands are mostly clean and you just need a dab of soap.
Myself, I just fill a manual dispenser with Dawn for the kitchen and use it both for cleaning dishes and hands.
I bought a simplehuman auto soap dispenser, it worked for a month, exchanged it for a new one, that one worked for two months, so I just gave up. I just use a regular hand soap dispenser and use the side of my wrist to pump it.
0:49… yes, MORE handwashing CAN be a bad thing once you’ve done it enough that you’ve removed the natural oils from your skin, then your skin dries out and starts cracking. 🤦
So no, DO NOT wash your hands more than necessary.
Rinse your hands thoroughly before using the soap. Problem solved, no batteries or refilling required.
More handwashing can’t be a bad thing? What is it with Americans and making up facts willy nilly? Kind of irresponsible no?
Well. Here’s the deal. Neither the water faucet nor the soap nor the bottle of detergent will ever touch the food. The only important thing is to keep your hands clean. Touch the faucet and the bar of soap and the bottle of dish detergent. It is more important to know when to wash your hands and to do it well than to engage in some kind of hygiene theater. Although I like most of these product evaluations, I have to give this one a FAIL.
Yes, Simplehuman is the best, I bought my first one in 2012, still works!
I wish you had also discussed what batteries were required, how many were needed and how easy it was to change them. Also how it holds up over time.I used the Simple Human dispenser you nominated as the winner. I liked it for the relatively short time it served its purpose, but opted for a manual pump version after that. I’m not sure you need to worry about contamination if you are washing your hands after you pump. – I love your videos. Please keep them coming.
Also good in the bedroom!
This series is so weird, old white guy mansplains at women pretending to be dumb for 4 straight minutes, and it’s the same thing every damn time. She’s not an idiot dude, no need to talk to her so rudely.
Like to see foaming rechargeable options and how long the last
You can never wash your hands too much?
A dermatologist might not agree.
Yes, but totally useless unless you also have a sensor-activated, or foot-activated, tap!
I had the winner (simple human) but it went through batteries so fast! I ended up giving it away because I didn’t like how many batteries it used
I do something crazy. I wash the soap dispenser while I wash my hands.
I just drip soap on the hand pump after I lather my hands to keep it clean.
At least we didn’t need to watch them eat and grunt like food samples. Please stop that plan.
Need one that dispenses foaming hand soap. Gooey hand soap is disgusting
Maybe I just don’t get it, but why be so concerned about contaminating a soap dispenser? Whoever touches the ‘contaminated’ soap dispenser will be washing their hands immediately after, right? So why the fuss? I’d be more concerned about turning on the water with germy hands and then reinfecting your clean hands when turning it off.
How dirty the soap dispenser is doesn’t matter one bit because you’re washing your hands. What you need to watch out for is the faucet handles/knobs. You touch those before when your hands are contaminated, then wash, and then touch the handles again after thereby contaminating your hands again. Much better to invest in a touchless faucet if you care about microbes that much
I have both Simple Human models (battery and chargeable) and both have power issues. The battery operated one goes through batteries very quickly, despite being rarely used. The rechargeable one holds a charge for about 3 days, despite their claim of 3-4 months. Actually, the rechargeable one currently will not turn on. It’s very expensive for how little it worked.
Automatic Soap Dispensers… Did l really need one? Apparently it was more fun than a barrel of monkeys for my younger Grandkids! Who knew five and three year old’s loved to wash their hands 20 to 30 times in a row! 😂🤣😂♥️👵🏻
I have the one on the far right. The batteries only last about 1 month, for maybe 5 to 10 uses a day. What I really want is a RECHARGEABLE soap dispenser. That would be great.
Had a good laugh at the "contaminating the soap dispenser" premise. So many things entertained me over the last year plus.
Hi Bridget
You’re as beautiful as ever.
Anyone trying to get a cheaper one beware of bottoms they will get wet and the compartment for batteries can corrode